Thursday, January 6, 2011

A brand new year

Okay It has been a long time since i last blogged, basically i lost all interest in blogging.

2010 had been a very interesting year for me,

Studying in a foreign country for the first time.

Meeting new and interesting people, of all races and age and nationality.

Made New, Interesting, Awesome friends..

Nearly Failed my subjects in Uni.

Bought a lot of new TOYS!!

Made some decision which i will regret until the day i die.

And Many many more, which i am too lazy too type out.

So with the new year comes a new Design or Outlook, I know its ugly but heck i will make some improvements later on when i get in the mood to blog again. For now i shall leave it this way.

Lately ive been really 'BUSY' and 'FREE' , in a sense is that i have Tonnes of stuff to do, but ive postponed them since last year til now , the Malaysians way, Tomorrow la, or i will do it tomorrow and the tomorrow drags on.

Anyways Happy New Year 2011 i know im 5 days late but heck.

On the list of too blog

1.Made up comics
2.My day dreams
3.Toys(of course)
4.More Toys(comfirmed)
5.Random boring stuff